



2024-07-20 07:18:15 来源:网络


英语翻译 大神前来翻译 -
Thick cut pork 48 yuan Pan fried chicken 52 yuan New Zealand cowboy bone 58 yuan American broil 58 yuan Sirloin Steak steak 58 yuan The above grilled meal can be matched: onion juice / black pepper sauce / garlic juice / Tomato Juice The above can be equipped with Plain white等我继续说。
Tony said that the most important thing is to create opportunities rather than wait for them.(经过“迅捷在线翻译”配合做的修改后的翻译)


英语大神求翻译 -
My love, leave yourself behind. 我的爱人,离开了你的背影Beat inside me, leave you blind.在我身体里狂妄离开你而茫然My love, you have found peace.我的爱人,你会得到平静You were searching ,for release. 你在寻找,你在召唤You gave it all, into the call.给予了你的所有你说完了。
1你最喜欢的电视节目是什么?1 what is your favorite TV show?2我们学校有一家诊所,一家银行和五家商店。2 our school has a clinic, a bank and five stores.3请安静,我们开始上课3 please be quiet, we begin our class 4.别看电视,你现在必须去做作业了4. Stop watching TV, you好了吧!
3求翻译英语大神帮我翻译一些英语 -
1.他每天花1个小时学英语。1. He spent an hour every day to learn English.2.在过去的一年里,我认识了许多新同学。2. In the past year, I met many new students.3.我们应该认识到网络的重要性。3. We should realize the importance of the network.4.无论你做什么,我都不喜欢你。4等我继续说。
Today some women are wearing the new high platform shoes that came into style not long ago. Young women enjoy wearing stylish clothes. They also enjoy being taller while they are wearing these shoes. 现今许多女性穿前不久开始流行的新厚底鞋。年轻的女性喜欢穿时髦的服饰。她们还喜欢厚底希望你能满意。
求英语大神翻译几句话 -
翻译为;Used in his daily habit I energizer toed the lineHe subverted the let everybody in troubleReally want to put those ever man called together4 things develop into such, can't let him hold up, can only fight5. This helped you angry mob, was a clunky.6 put respect 后面会介绍。
其实楼上几种翻译最靠谱的是my style,my way ,但简约的意思没有表达出来,作为广告语,这种表达及格了。广告语如果用语法来衡量,那就没有精彩的广告语了。Less Is More (海明威的艺术创作主张,less(简约),more(给你更多的想象空间),这样的话不懂英语的会说语法错误,懂英语的知道它的说完了。
求英语大神翻译,急求 -
To be sure, we must be prepared and fully prepared.火车要开了,她拥抱了母亲和妹妹,拿起箱子登上了火车。The train was about to go. She hugged her mother and sister and picked up the boxes to board the rain.前途是光明的,道路是曲折的。While prospects are bright, the roads 后面会介绍。
~~~纯人手翻译,欢迎采纳~~~原文全文如下:It’s lunchtime at Washington Preparatory High School in Los Angeles. Parrish Jackson, 16, has barely touched her burger and apricots. She’s about to throw them into the trash can.The apricots are “sour”and the meat is “nasty”, t有帮助请点赞。